The Best STEM Robot Toys for Kids: What is the Perfect Robot Toy for STEM Learning?

There was a time when simple toys like dolls and building blocks were enough to entertain us. Nowadays, our kids live in a world where these traditional toys compete with a high-tech phenomenon – robot toys.

As invaluable traditional toys are for brain development, robotic toys are now just important if we want our children to have the skills they need in a future of autonomous cars, remote surgery, and yes, maybe even humanoid robot assistants at home.

This article explores the world of STEM robot toys for kids — what the best ones are and how to find age-appropriate robot toys for developing STEM skills.

Kids love robot toys, and it’s not just about the novelty of new tech. Sure, they’re fun and futuristic, but these toys also teach valuable skills. They introduce kids to coding and problem-solving, foster creativity, and even encourage social interaction. Plus, popular media, with robot characters like in “Transformers” and “Wall-E,” make these toys even more appealing.

Popular Robot Toy Brands

Leading the pack in the robot toys market, we have brands like Sphero, LEGO, Anki, and WowWee. These brands have been instrumental in making STEM more approachable for children. Their unique approach to blending play and learning sets them apart in the robot toy market.

First, there’s Sphero. They offer products like the Sphero Mini, an app-controlled robot ball, and the all-terrain, fully programmable RVR. Their emphasis on coding education gives them an edge in the market.

Then we’ve got LEGO, a household name with their Mindstorms series. This range takes the traditional building experience to new heights, allowing kids to construct and program their own robots. The familiarity with the LEGO system eases kids into robotics and coding.

Anki brings a combination of AI and robotics to their toys. With popular robots like Cozmo and Vector, Anki has made learning engaging and interactive. These robots are known for their personality and charm.

Fisher-Price, a brand known and loved for decades, has also made strides in the robot toy market, particularly with robots for preschoolers. They’ve developed a line of interactive toys specifically designed for preschoolers. Their Think & Learn Teach ‘n Tag Movi is a perfect example of this. It’s a friendly, mobile robot designed to get little ones moving and thinking, with games that foster critical thinking and motor skills. This toy certainly brings a playful spin to early learning.

Makeblock, on the other hand, is a rising star in the field of educational robots. The mBot Neo and mBot Ranger are standouts. The mBot Neo is an upgradeable coding robot, perfect for beginners to grasp graphical programming, AI, and IoT concepts. The mBot Ranger, on the other hand, offers more complexity – an all-terrain, transformable robot that provides a deeper dive into programming and robotics.

Lastly, there’s WowWee known for its diverse range of robots. Their products, like the self-balancing MiP Arcade and the Robosapien, designed by a NASA scientist, strike a balance between entertainment and STEM education.

The Best Robot Toys for Sale

From toddlers to preschoolers, babies to four-year-olds, there are many smart and interactive robot toys that you can buy. Below we feature some of them, including the beloved Toy Story robots.

Robot Toys for Babies & Toddlers

Simplicity is the key to robot toys for toddlers. These robotic toys have to be durable, easy to operate, and free from small parts. They’re designed to stimulate sensory development, and motor skills, and introduce early learning concepts in a fun, engaging manner.

Robot Toys for 4-Year-Old Kids and Above

Robot toys for 4 years old and above introduce more educational elements, specifically around STEM. They aim to foster creativity, logical thinking, and problem-solving skills, all while keeping playtime fun.

A leader in this space is LEGO with their Boost Creative Toolbox. It’s more than just a toy – it’s a creative and educational journey. This kit lets kids build and code interactive, motorized robots, models, and inventions. With an easy-to-use app, kids can learn to code their creations to perform cool tasks and actions.

Sphero Mini is another excellent choice. This app-controlled robot ball is small but mighty. It encourages kids to engage with basic coding principles by programming the ball’s movements, learning cause-and-effect, and fostering problem-solving skills.

Then there’s the award-winning Botley 2.0 from Learning Resources. This screen-free coding robot is designed to inspire critical thinking and instill a basic understanding of coding for kids as young as 5. It’s all about learning through play!

And of course, we can’t forget Makeblock’s mBot Neo, designed for beginners to grasp the basics of graphical programming, AI, and IoT concepts. This robot is easy to assemble, making the building process part of the fun.

Smart Robot Toys

Smart robot toys represent the cutting edge of toy technology. They offer advanced features, like programmability, artificial intelligence (AI), voice recognition, and even IoT connectivity. These toys for kids take interactive play to a new level, providing a combination of entertainment and education.

Starting with Anki’s Vector. More than a robot toy, Vector is a companion robot powered by AI. He can answer questions, play games, take photos, and even navigate independently. His voice recognition and interactive responses make him a truly smart playmate.

Next up is Sphero’s RVR. This all-terrain programmable robot can be customized with various hardware and connected to third-party tech like Raspberry Pi or Arduino, introducing kids to advanced aspects of robotics and coding.

We also have the RoboMaster S1 by DJI. This educational robot offers hands-on learning through its modular design. It features intelligent functions like line recognition, vision markers for AI technology experience, and a competitive mode, all aimed at enhancing kids’ understanding of science, math, physics, programming, and more.

Then there’s the Meccano MeccaNoid G15 KS. This personal robot uses voice recognition to follow commands, can tell jokes, and stories, and even mirror your movements. It’s a life-size, buildable robot, making it a fun, interactive way to learn about engineering and robotics.

Lastly, let’s mention the Makeblock mBot Ranger. This smart toy robot is a three-in-one STEM educational robot kit that allows kids to build, program, and control the robot, teaching them about mechanics, electronics, control systems, and computer science.

Robot Dance Toys

Robot dance toys are a ton of fun, combining music, motion, and interactive features to keep kids entertained and engaged.

Let’s start with the Fisher-Price Dance & Groove Rockit dancing robot. This cute little robot not only dances, but also lights up, plays music, and has interactive settings to help teach toddlers abtoy out the alphabet, numbers, and more.

Next, there’s the WowWee MiP Arcade. This self-balancing robot is not only a game master but also a dance enthusiast. It can dance to any song played in its vicinity and even comes with a stand-alone app that allows kids to choreograph dance sequences for it.

Then we have the ZOOB BuilderZ ZOOB Bot. While it’s primarily a building kit, once your creation is complete, it can move and dance thanks to the included pull-back motor. This offers a blend of creativity, construction, and fun dance play.

Another fantastic option is the Coder MiP by WowWee. This is a transparent, early-learning edition of the popular MiP robot, and it loves to dance. Kids can program dance sequences and watch their robot friend boogie!

Lastly, there’s the all-interactive Ruko Smart Robots for Kids. With its in-built music clip, it can dance, slide, walk, and interact, offering several play modes to keep kids engaged.

Robot Dragon Toys

Robot dragon toys merge the magic of fantasy creatures with cutting-edge technology to offer kids a thrilling playtime experience. These toys often feature motion capabilities, sound effects, and even interactive elements to really bring the dragons to life.

Leading the pack is the Mega Cyborg Hand from Thames & Kosmos. While not strictly a dragon, this build-it-yourself robotic hand introduces kids to the world of mechanical engineering in an engaging and innovative way, and the hand can grasp and hold various items – including toy dragons!

The WowWee’s Noomie is a high-tech, interactive toy that comes with “snap-on” personalities, one of them being a dragon. It can move, play games, and even respond to commands, offering kids an interactive dragon companion.

Fierce, fiery and fun is the Torch My Blazin’ Dragon from FurReal. It breathes a flame-colored mist, responds to touch, and has over 50 sound and motion combinations. It’s more of an animatronic than a traditional robot, but it brings a delightful dragon to life for imaginative play.

Power Treads by WowWee is an all-surface vehicle. While it’s not a dragon itself, one of the design themes it comes with is a dragon. Kids can set up the course for the robot vehicle to follow, encouraging creativity and problem-solving skills.

Building Robot Toys

Building robot toys are all about engaging kids in hands-on, constructive play. They combine the fun of building and construction with the thrill of robotics and coding, providing an excellent platform for STEM education.

One standout product in this category is the LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor Kit. This versatile set lets kids build and program their own robots using the intuitive LEGO coding language. The possibilities for customization are vast, making it a continual source of challenge and fun.

Then there’s the Meccano MeccaNoid G15 KS. This personal robot is an interactive building kit that allows kids to construct a life-sized, fully programmable robot. It’s a fantastic way for kids to learn about engineering while developing problem-solving skills.

Next up is the Makeblock DIY Ultimate Robot Kit. This kit provides ten building forms in one set, including a robotic arm tank, a 3D capture robot, and a catapult ram. The kit offers a complex building challenge and introduces kids to physics and mechanics.

The RoboMaster S1 by DJI is another great option. It’s a comprehensive kit that allows children to assemble their robots from scratch, enhancing their understanding of science, math, physics, and programming.

Last but not least, the Thames & Kosmos Robotics: Smart Machines Engineering Kit is a top pick for introducing kids to robotics. The kit provides eight motorized models to build, and each can be controlled with an app, offering an interactive way to learn about robotics and programming.

Interactive and Learning Robot Toys

Interactive and learning robot toys seamlessly blend play and education, enhancing kids’ cognitive and social skills. Products like the Fisher-Price Code ‘n Learn Kinderbot introduce early math concepts, colors, and letters through fun games and coding activities. The Anki Cozmo, with its advanced AI, can express hundreds of emotions, recognize your face, and remember your name, fostering interactive play. Makeblock’s mBot Ranger offers a deep dive into programming and robotics, providing an all-in-one solution for robotics learning and teaching coding. The Sphero Mini, an app-controlled robot ball, encourages kids to engage with basic coding principles, fostering problem-solving skills. With these toys, learning becomes an exciting part of the play experience, preparing kids for a future where digital skills will be essential.

Programmable Robot Toys

Programmable robot toys, like the Sphero RVR and the LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor Kit, offer kids hands-on coding experiences, fostering their problem-solving skills and creativity. Makeblock’s mBot Neo and mBot Ranger infuse fun into STEM learning, while Anki’s Cozmo provides an AI-powered platform for kids to learn coding in an engaging way. Not to be forgotten, the screen-free Botley 2.0 Coding Robot from Learning Resources introduces children to early STEM skills without the need for digital devices. These toys aren’t just about entertainment; they’re about building critical skills for the future in an enjoyable and interactive manner.

Solar Power Robot Toys

Solar-powered robot toys are both fun and educational, promoting renewable energy concepts while offering engaging playtime. Kits like the OWI 14-in-1 Solar Robot allow kids to build different types of robots that run on solar power, demonstrating the potential of renewable energy sources. Another popular choice is the Tenergy Solarsaurs, which features dinosaur-themed solar bots. For a more advanced building robotics challenge, the Thames & Kosmos Solar Bots introduce children to the power of solar energy through the construction and operation of eight different solar-powered bots. These toys combine environmental education with interactive fun, a great way to foster an early interest in sustainable energy solutions.

What Makes a Robot a Robot for Kids?

Understanding what makes a robot a robot can be a fun and informative adventure for kids. A robot isn’t just a machine; it’s a special machine with unique characteristics.

A key aspect that distinguishes a robot from other machines is its ability to carry out tasks autonomously. This means that once a robot receives a set of instructions or a program, it can perform the assigned tasks independently. Some robots can also be manually controlled, but what makes them stand out is their ability to work without continuous human intervention.

Another important feature of a robot is its ability to interact with its environment. Robots are often equipped with sensors that allow them to detect and respond to changes in their surroundings. These sensors can be used to detect light, sound, heat, movement, or even specific chemicals. Based on the information gathered from these sensors, a robot can adjust its actions or behavior.

Perhaps one of the most exciting features of robots is their potential for learning and adaptability. Some advanced robots can learn from their experiences and modify their actions accordingly. This feature, known as machine learning, is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) and allows robots to improve their performance over time.

In essence, a robot is a machine designed to carry out tasks, often mimicking human or animal movements. They can function autonomously, interact with their environment, and sometimes even learn from their experiences. These unique features make robots a captivating subject for children, stimulating their curiosity and opening doors to explore the exciting world of robotics.

What are the Benefits of Robot Toys?

Robot toys are a great investment in a child’s development, offering a perfect blend of education, skill-building, and entertainment. They aren’t just about fun and games; they also help promote a range of skills.

  1. STEM Learning: Many robot toys are designed to introduce and reinforce STEM concepts, including coding, physics, and mechanics. Through interactive play, kids learn these complex topics in an engaging, hands-on manner.
  2. Problem-Solving Skills: Assembling a robot or programming it to perform certain actions encourages kids to think logically and strategically, enhancing their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
  3. Creativity and Imagination: Whether it’s designing a robot’s path or creating stories around a robot character, these toys stimulate children’s creativity and imagination.
  4. Persistence and Patience: Building and coding can sometimes be challenging. As kids work through these challenges, they learn the importance of patience and persistence in achieving their goals.
  5. Fine Motor Skills: The physical act of assembling a robot requires precision and control, helping to develop fine motor skills.
  6. Understanding of Technology: In a world increasingly dominated by technology, robot toys offer kids a head start, boosting their programming skills and familiarizing them with the basic principles of robotics, coding, and AI.

Factors to Consider When Buying Robot Toys

Choosing the right robot toy can be a daunting task, given the wide range of options available in the market. However, by considering several key factors, you can ensure that the toy you buy aligns with your child’s developmental needs.

One of the main factors to consider is your child’s readiness. This can be based on cognitive development, hand dexterity, and interest. Many robot toys are usually designed with a specific developmental stage in mind. For example, younger children might be better engaged with interactive robot pets like Anki’s Cozmo, while teenagers could benefit more from a programmable robot such as the Sphero SPRK+ which encourages logical thinking and problem-solving.

Next, Choose robot toys that incorporate learning elements, such as programming or STEM-related tasks. Coding robots like LEGO’s Mindstorms and Fisher-Price’s Code-a-pillar offer not just entertainment but also cognitive development, improving skills like logic, coding, and teamwork.

You’d also want toys that are safe for your child and will last a long time. They should ideally be made of sturdy, non-toxic materials, able to withstand rough handling. Get toys with battery compartments that are secure to prevent children from accessing them. For example, VTech robot toys are renowned for their robust construction and adherence to strict safety standards.

And of course, you might want to look for the functionality and features of the robot toy you’re buying. These can greatly influence how much your children are going to enjoy playing with them or for how long. Look for toys that offer unique features such as voice recognition, gesture control, or even autonomous behavior. For instance, robots like the DJI RoboMaster S1 provide advanced capabilities including coding and AI technology, allowing a broad range of activities.

Lastly, Interactivity and engagement are integral for maintaining a child’s interest. Consider robots equipped with sensors for touch or sound responsiveness. Interactive robots like Spin Master’s Zoomer series can recognize voice commands, respond to touch, and even show simulated emotions, ensuring a lively playtime experience.

Best Robot Toys FAQ